The following chart is provided to give a foundational understanding of how music notation relates to the keys on a piano. This diagram also introduces the musical alpabet which is A through G, then starting over again with A. (Each letter of the musical alphabet is color coded for easy identification.)
As the diagram above shows,
Middle C can be written as the first
ledger line above the
Bass Staff or the first ledger line below the
Treble Staff.
The Grand Staff is the combination of the Bass Staff and Treble Staff.
Also as shown above, the Musical Alphabet is repeated almost 3 times on the Grand Staff, although it is interesting that the Bass Staff starts with a G!
Pianists will have to learn the location of the notes on both Treble and Bass Staff.
Most other instrumentalists (such as Guitar, Saxophone, Flute, Trumpet, Violin, etc.) will only have to learn the Treble Staff, while some instruments (such as Bass Guitar, String Bass, Trombone, and Tuba) will only have to learn the Bass Staff.
It may be interesting to note that other instruments use clefs other than the Bass or treble clefs, for example, cello often times uses the Tenor Clef and Viola uses the Alto Clef(These clefs / staffs are not covered in this portion of the web-site at this time.)